Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Fast Fat Burning Diet Must Involve These Four Things

A fast fat burning diet that has been around for years is the "Cabbage Soup Diet" which was started to help patients going in for surgery to lose weight quickly. This is not a realistic diet for the average person because you will gain most of the weight back just as quickly.

In this article we will look at four things you can do to burn fat fast and keep it off. It all starts with getting your metabolism going.

- First of all you need to pay attention at the time of day that you eat. Breakfast is important because this is what kicks your metabolism in. Missing breakfast will give you a slower metabolism and your burn less fat. Eat your largest meal of the day before 2:00 p.m. and do not eat anything for 3 hours before you go to bed.

- It goes without saying that what you eat will affect your weight and your ability to burn fast fat. Adding spices to your food is one trick that does work in helping you burn calories.

- You must watch your portions. Starving yourself is not a good fast fat burning diet. Fad diets come and go, but they are not going to be a good long term solution either. The basics are this. Burn off more calories than you take in and you will lose weight. If you eat more calories than you burn the extra calories will be stored as fat. Keep this in mind then, and eat smaller meals and more snacks which will give your body a better chance of burning off the calories before they are stored as fat.

- Part of any diet to burn fat fast is going to involve becoming more active. This does not mean you have to take up jogging. Because you burn calories in your muscles first when you exercise you need to increase muscle mass which will help you burn fat quicker. Exercising in the morning is ideal and you do not have to work out to hard. Just concentrate on being consistent when you first start out.

These are four things you can do to create your own fast fat burning diet without starving yourself and trying the latest diet of the day. By watching when you eat, what you eat, how much you eat, and how active you are, you can burn off fat fast and keep it off as well.

Burn Fat While You Sleep

When looking to burn fat there are so many products, myths, techniques and different ways to go about it is truly hard to know which is the best...

To top that off every-body reacts differently to different exercises...

The basics are still the same to burn fat; 20 minutes of cardio everyday, target your "Fat burning Zone" always increase your intensity. Ensure you are eating smaller, healthier meals and doing some specific exercise are all GREAT and certainly will produce results...

However that doesn't answer the question... How do you burn Fat whilst you sleep??

By training to specifically increase your overall strength: Train to create those long, lean, firm muscles, this in turn will replace lost muscle tissue and create a faster metabolism. What this means is that after a strength workout you create muscle. This muscle when trained consistently and kept at a good level will use stored fat in your body to maintain its firmness. This firmness is maintained during the day, whilst you're at work, at the beach and best of all while your Asleep!

So not only is strength training a great activity to directly burn fat (you will burn calories as you train) It will keep the heart healthy as you will be raising the heart-rate (depends on type of training-recommendations made further down) you'll also create and maintain muscle!

Thus making strength training the most effective way of burning fat and keeping it off for the long term.

How do you Strength Train & what is the best way to go about it?

Creating muscles certainly doesn't mean getting big and huge. This is the LAST thing I want you to do. This form of training is nothing but dangerous. You put the joints under undue stress... If you want this side of training then you are reading the wrong article. You need to head to a Body Building article. This type of training requires Heavy Weights...

The type of training I'm talking about is using lighter weights to TONE and FIRM your body. Where talking about a simple routine that gets results... You'll feel stronger, healthier, you will have more energy. Your body will feel great! Plus at the same time you'll be preventing Osteoporosis, heart disease and many other unfavourable diseases.

What would you prefer?

What is better...? FAT which is Lumpy, flabby, soft, big and Ugly OR would you prefer long lean, firm, smooth, small muscles? It's a tough one I Know!

What's even better... You only need to put aside a couple of strength workout sessions per week (30-45mins) to be well on your way to acheiving great results

You will need to ensure you include cardio to keep your heart strong, eat well and your body can only do one thing... RESPOND by giving you the results you desire...

The question is how much longer do you want to look in the mirror and be unhappy?

As an experienced personal trainer I have learnt what motivates people to change for the long term. I have specifically designed easy to follow, step by step beginner programs to help you burn fat whilst you sleep.

To greater health, vitality and wellness...

15 Fat Burning Foods - Eat And Lose?

Are there 15 fat burning foods that you can eat and lose weight? Yes and no. There are foods that you can eat that help you feel satisfied, full and content. Feel that way and you will usually eat less and maintain or lose weight. That can be a good thing. I'll share 15 food ideas for losing fat, but first a little background.

Two hormones produced in the pancreas, glucagon and insulin, determine how your body uses carbohydrates. The ratio of these two hormones is what really is critical for sugar use.

Glucagon directs the liver to release sugars, which raises the blood sugar available for use by the brain and the rest of the body. Glucagon also signals the cells to release fat for energy and to release protein for building. Insulin is responsible for putting nutrients into cells. Thus insulin regulates the transfer of fats, proteins and sugars from the bloodstream to the cells. If more sugar is available than is required, insulin signals the liver to produce fat.

Glucagon is released when proteins are eaten. Insulin is released when carbohydrates are eaten. Neither is released when you eat fats or nonstarchy foods. If carbohydrates are eaten alone, the insulin to glucagon ratio is too high. If protein is eaten alone, the insulin to glucagon ratio is too low. Eat a balanced meal with protein, fats, nonstarchy vegetables and carbohydrates and you can have a balanced insulin to glucagon ratio which can burn fat and build muscle.

Eating a balanced meal will not lead to fat production, it could even lead to fat loss. Also a balanced meal will not lead to muscle loss, it could even lead to muscle gain.

Following are 15 fat burning foods ideas. With the background in the first paragraphs, you can see that just eating a few selected foods will not magically cause weight loss. However, making some fairly simple changes in the way you eat could finally help you to lose weight and keep it off.

  • 1. Coconut oil - the fats in coconut oil are not usually stored as fat.
  • 2. Salmon - eat protein and fats with carbohydrates for a balanced insulin to glucagon ration.
  • 3. Whole grain breads - sugars released more slowly than processed grains, so less insulin response.
  • 4. Asparagus - a nonstarchy vegetable even helpful with cheese sauce.
  • 5. Cabbage - use it many different ways especially helpful in soup as a filler.
  • 6. Kale - high in calcium plus easy to grow yourself.
  • 7. Chicken - balance a meal with chicken on a salad.
  • 8. Garlic - use it however you can.
  • 9. Green beans - fills you up but nonstarchy so no effect on insulin to glucagon ratio.
  • 10. Cod liver oil - an important supplement for Vitamins A and D.
  • 11. Bitters - like Swedish Bitters, often helpful for digesting fats.
  • 12. Bell peppers - another sweet tasting nonstarchy vegetable useful in several ways.
  • 13. Summer squash - especially good with light cheese sauces.
  • 14. Cheese - in limited amounts, preferably fresh, as the fats in aged cheese are damaged.
  • 15. Eggs - contains proteins plus fats to satisfy hunger and combine well with carbohydrates.

There are many more than 15 fat burning foods if you realize the real keys to healthy eating and weight loss. Include any and all nonstarchy vegetables as part of your eating plan.

Fat burn exercise

What is the best exercise to burn fat? Any exercise that gets your heart rate into your targeted heart range. If you want to lose weight, you need to exercise hard enough to increase your pulse rate enough to burn fat more efficiently.

The exercises that get your heart rate into your targeted heart range will increase your metabolism and that's what burns fat. So if you find the best exercise to burn fat you'll lose weight.

Losing weight has more health benefits other than just making you look better. By losing 10-15% of your body weight you can reduce your risk of heart attack, reduce your cholesterol level, and get healthier overall. So how do you start?

Your first hurdle that you will need to overcome is commitment. If you want to lose weight, then you have to commit to a good cardio workout routine.

This means that you will have to exercise at least three to four times a week for 30 minutes to 1 hour. If you commit to one month of regular exercise, you will find that at the end of that month you will have more energy, be in a better mood and you will probably have lost a few pounds. Commitment is one of the keys to finding the best exercise to burn fat.

Mix it up. Keep your exercise routine exciting and vary it so you will keep interest in your workout routine. Finding an exercise that burns fat is not that difficult.

Any exercise can burn fat if you get your heart rate in the targeted zone. This can include running, walking, hiking, playing basketball, spinning, interval training, or anything else that you can think of.

Make it fun and you will enjoy it and have a much better chance of sticking to it. Changing your routine around will help you to stay interested and committed. Make sure that you work your entire body for maximum results.

A full body exercise workout can include adding some weight training into your workout. If you enjoy walking and jogging, then you could add some weight training for your arms and shoulders to make it more of a full body workout.

Or you could alternate running and jogging days with weight training days. Alternating exercise is a great way to ensure that you work your entire body.

If you can find a few exercises that you enjoy doing, then you can alternate them to make a workout routine that you will love. Think about what you enjoy doing and then work to create the best exercise to burn fat for you.